Thursday, 29 July 2010

Tofo Watersport Festival

Dear all,

Wind's coming back in August-September (hopefully). It is now time to prepare yourself and train hard for the Tofo Watersport Festival! The event will be held from 8th to 12th of September 2010 in Tofo.

You'll find the contact for registration and accomodation at the bottom of the poster.

Hope to see a lot of you there!




Friday, 02 July 2010

Pemba kiters

Maputo kiters might be jealous from them...we have been suffering lack of wind these last months even if we had a few good sessions (cf. yesterday!).

Anyway, seeing such pristine waters may motivate some of us to go riding at Pirata (Carlo's place)!

If you need inquiry about the place, please check

Enjoy the winter!

MOKA team

Thursday, 01 July 2010

MOKA T-shirts and caps are ready!

Dear kiters,

Lucky you if you already registered to MOKA! The 2010 MOKA T-shirts ans caps are finally ready. 3 colours available for T-shirt (white, blue or black) and 3 sizes (M, L, XL) - 4 colours for the caps (white, blue, black or brown), unique size.

As a member of MOKA you can choose one T-shirt and 1 cap (coming with your registration). The rashies will come soon!

You can also buy extra items to offer to your friends, family, etc. You will then help promotion of MOKA all around the world!
T-shirt: 400 Mt
Cap: 200 Mt

Just send the sizes and colours you need to The first requesting wil be the first served!
